jueves, 18 de abril de 2024

News Reports: Recommendations - areas with interesting geographical features

 Hi everybody,

Our bilingual 1ESO students recommend us some touristic sites with interesting geographical features:

They all love travelling!!馃挆

martes, 26 de marzo de 2024

Enjoy your holidays and... Happy Easter!!

 Last Friday we said goodbye to the 2nd term with some activities about Easter for all bilingual students at school. 

- There were two principal activities:

    1. Easter eggs Decoration Workshop

    2. Easter Egg Hunt

All bilingual students and teachers took part in the activities, so, for sure, they had a good time and could learn some Easter vocab and traditions. 

Happy Easter !!! Wishing you a basket full of chocolate!


martes, 12 de marzo de 2024

Pruebas de certificaci贸n de idiomas de la EOI - 4ESO, "Bachillerato" and "Ciclos" Students

 Hi 4ESO, Bachillerato and Ciclos Students, 

Os informamos sobre el plazo abierto para la inscripci贸n en las pruebas oficiales de certificaci贸n de los distintos niveles en ingl茅s (B1, B2..) de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas. Estas pruebas constan de dos convocatorias (mayo-junio y septiembre). Para m谩s informaci贸n, os dejamos el siguiente enlace  y os recuerdo que el plazo acaba el pr贸ximo d铆a 18 de marzo


WEB de la EOI de Villarrobledo: 


Os animamos a todos aquellos que est茅n interesados en certificar nivel, pues es una titulaci贸n m谩s para vuestro curriculum.

See you, 馃榾

martes, 2 de enero de 2024

Happy New year 2024!!

Dear friends, 

We hope 2024 brings you lots of love, joy and great knowledge for the future!! 

By the time, we want to show you some of the activities carried out during the last week before Xmas!! Our students enjoyed Xmas countdown as you can see in the pictures!!!

See you in a week! ;-) 

domingo, 17 de diciembre de 2023

Thanksgiving - Thursday 23rd November

 Hi again,

ESO students celebrated Thanksgiving Day by means of different activities organised in different groups. 

They are so thankful!!!


martes, 7 de noviembre de 2023

Terrific Halloween !!

 Dear friends, 

Last Tuesday 31st October, we celebrated Halloween. Many activities were carried out by teachers and students such as Halloween door decorations, spooky T-shirts contest, escape rooms, Halloween crafts, Jack-o ´-lanterns contest, creepy songs, eerie videos and infographics and more...!!! 

Thanks to all those didactic departments which participated that day! It was a really scary time at school!!


See you 馃懟!!

lunes, 30 de octubre de 2023

End of the e-Twinning Project: Folk Traditions through phone photography

 Hi again,

This post is to inform you that the students involved in the e-Twinning project which started last academic year, finished it by having the whole calendar printed!! 

The e-Twinning project ´s name was: Folk Traditions through phone photography funded by Mar铆a Perez, our colleague, and her students from el Provencio together with other students from 6 different countries. 

So, thanks to Mar铆a who invited us to the project, our 4th ESO students had the opportunity to learn about some important festivities in other parts of the continent.